
miércoles, 14 de diciembre de 2016


Resultado de imagen para oso del artico


....Gordo, Blanquito and thier mother Marian live in an ice land place in Canada....don't get far babies, keep around here please, said momy.  Babies are very restless, they like playing all the time. ..... Momy always think we  
                                                                                                                      Resultado de imagen para oso del artico are babies, but we are not babies, we are strong like her. I can catch fishes and sears.  Yes, me too. I can do that too said Blanquito....I'm hungry momy, I wanna eat....   This is why they are hungry all the time, they play the whole day....After they finish eating, they take a nap, meanwhile somethings watch them. Their mom used to tell them stories about those things, they call them freak. They hunt them and sell their skin to make articles clothings. Freaks are waiting for the right moment to attack.......
zorro artico      Later, Gordo asked to his mother, momy could I visite foxie?....she is my best friend, she is a fox, she is smart and beautiful. She lives near here, ..... could I momy? ......But don't be late please. Momy, I go too said Blanquito. okey, take care by there.  Freaks followed them, along the way to Foxie house. They know young bears are less dangerous than adult bears.Young bears are distracted and it is dangerous for them. Freaks  wait for the moment they are alone or far away from their mother to hunt them.  Hey!! hello  Pinguinin, how are you? Just a little cold  here, and you?  We are fine, we are going to visiste foxie, she is my friend. See you later Pinguinin. It is a young
pinguin, we call him Pinginin because he is a little silly like a baby, and he is a good friend too. But not like foxie,  she is nice, freindly and pretty beautiful too. I'm crazy about foxie. I think she loves me too, but she is a little shy. Now the two bears continue walking pleasently to foxie house. The Freak knew that their mother was so far, and five freaks appeared in their way, they attacked them. Blanquito was fighting, he wanted to catch the freaks, but the bear  knew that it was difficult for them. they were five and we were two. Blanquito told to his brother look for mom, tell her that feaks are here. Gordo ran as fast as a flash. Soon he saw his mom and he said feaks, feaks are here mom, Blanquito is fighting with them. They are five, we have to help him mom, but suddenly they heard a shot gun. Their mother  knew what
                                                        Resultado de imagen para cazadores cargando un oso polarhappened. She didn't know what to do, she knew she couldn't bring him back, maybe he is dead now she thought. Let's run she said, go go, they will come here for us. They ran up to the hill. Gord was cnfused, he didn't understand why his mother ran way, instead of help his brother.....Just  she didn't want to lose him too........ 
         Later freaks were celebrating for the prize. They had meat and a bearskin to get money. They carried him hanging in a stick. Blanquito was alive for hours. He was calling mom, but she couldn't hear him, she was a little far from him. She was trying to keep her other son alive. 
         Now far from the freaks. Gordo and his mother stopped for a moment, Gordo was crying,but his mother doesn't, she didn't want to show him weakness in that moment, but inside, she was dying.........Bears are smart animals. Marian knew that freaks would come back for them and she and his son went to the other side of the mountain to wait for the winter, to hibernate.........




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