
viernes, 17 de junio de 2016



     This is a happy family and there are four people in the family. Alfredd, Katherine, Caroline and Justin  oh!! Wolfy and charmy are  their pets.
                                        Alfredd, their father is a math teacher at Georgia University. Katherine is their mother, she is a doctor and she works at GEORGIA MEMORIAL HOSPITAL in Atlanta Georgia. Caroline is a 12 years old girl, she is in 7th grade, she loves to watch cartoon movies and swim at the beach. Justin is a 7 years old boy, he is in 3rd grade, he likes to play video game and watch the Monday night baseball game with his father. Wolfy and Charmi, their pets  are good friends, they like to run around the house. This is a really happy family.


8 comentarios:
Write comentarios
  1. I like this reading 👏,you're the Best 💪

  2. this story is very creative and very cute, congratulations teacher*-*

  3. teacher, had a small mistake in placing his name, you put Juan P (aa) blo Algarrobo :V

    Thanks for the very creative and entertaining read, do so. :D

  4. muy buena lectura teacher le agradezco mucho este bloc gracias por estar al pendiente de nosotros

  5. muy buena lectura teacher le agradezco mucho este bloc gracias por estar al pendiente de nosotros


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